Screw my sec 4 life and my stupid mind that won't concentrate then, its time to study MUCH more. I'm dead serious about this one, since lady luck doesn't like to be on my side.
I really wanted to get into TPJC, hoping they'd accept me such that my skills would improve much more. Fat chance now, huh. My jc's art isn't as good and with my current skills I probably won't do too well either. Alot of practice needed.
Many of you guys are scrambling to get out while I'm struggling to get in..
On a brighter note, perhaps what's meant to be is meant to be, who knows, maybe it'll be a better studying environment like I've heard from some?
They say everybody has a purpose in life, I wonder what's mine eh.
Maybe I'd be happier if I don't think too much about my flaws, inabilities and my past huh. I got posted to Serangoon JC with 17 - 4 points and I missed Tampines JC arts by 1 point. I know I screwed my english big time during O'levels, I hope I'll understand econs and maths this time and ace my Alevels. Yes, and get a good geog teacher too.
I just hope hard work would pay off. If it doesn't...well maybe I need another subject combi or I'm meant for other stuff.
We learnt the college dance, college cheer and college anthem! Orion owns man ;D
The only thing I dislike is the college anthem cause it sounds so simple and all ): We had to do the college dance in pairs and my friend and I kept mixing up the directions with the RLRR LRLL LRLL RLRR and the turn around chachacha stuff. BUT IT WAS REALLY FUN!!!!
Had some short econs lecture and human scavenger in the morning and our OG went for a 1 hour break, ate at the Goodnews cafe and I ordered chamomile tea and baked potato! After that, we walked to the study room and took pictures:

OG Orion D2! :D

everybody were staring at us, lol

FORMAL SHOT LOL. I swear the people in the next room were going o_O at us haha

informal! what was I doing.... -.-
we were dismissed at 1230 after the college stuff, the dance was quite fun imo. Took bus 81 with shi ling and I crashed at her house for around two hours since it was right next to TPJC and I had the choir audition at 3:30. My goodness, her house was just spanking clean.
1 hour was spent on eating and talking while the was spent listening to the band songs she had in her phone. Fantasy on a Japanese folk song never fails to amaze me! (Its been put on repeat for around 200 times in total, different days of course) There were many other songs too and they make me happy hohoho, I miss listening to them man, its time to update my library again! Great stuff seriously! (Y)
Left her house at around 3:25, looked for the choir teacher in charge at the GO and only had to wait for one guy before my turn. I had phlegm in my throat then and I wasn't very warmed up yet, so I could reach the high notes I was supposed to reach (always had this problem though) and didn't have much support then. Hopeless.
29-ed home and lazed around.
Took art qualifying test after school at 2pm with my OG friend joan and a few other people. The teacher asked us to draw a sketch of our own shoes, one shoe was fine but the other wasn't ): Anyway she still passed both of us so we went home together by bus 81 after that! Talked quite alot to her, I think that the people in my school are really nice in general ^_^
Before that, amanda and I went around the humanities room asking the teachers questions about geog, history and econs to help us decide our subject combi. My OG friend Gillian also went with me to ask about Chinese lit but HELL NO I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT there's wen2 yan2 wen2 (the olden form of chinese text). Besides, my chinese standard is going downhill.
Nothing much happened yesterday, I think. The whole day = subject talks. Kinda boring, and us ahs people has some meeting place at a pillar in front of the hall. I thought I might just write this down for my own reference in the future :P
Oh one last thing, canteen food sucks.
the above pictures remind me of.....

4L grad day LOL

4L breakfast!

4L classphoto!

2d bbq 2007! (and all the other 1d2d chalets and bbqs)

2d06! The photo I always post up here, lol

xiner me kaying (yeeteng and pufang not in pic!) Art class friends!


Kaikai! Ahh I look very tired and I can't find the rest of our photos yet so this would do :D Thanks for everything, really. Your notes, encouraging words and hugs! Hugs and kisses xoxo! I bring that note with the np to school everyday, btw ^_^

oohyeah ;D
Annia! I refuse to put up the nicer pictures of us cause this is the first photo we put on our hp wallpapers ;D Thanks for being there all the time, you've helped me alot...SINCE SEC 1 2005 ain't that the wonderfullest thing on earth? Great memories, hahaha. Love you!

Ashley! I think we look nicer in that prom photo but I like this ;D Reminds me of the studying period eh! So innocent wor HAHA. Idk why but this also reminds me of your barks LOL. love!!

ahh nvm I like it alot LOL!!!
Terie! The wonderful phototaking trip LOL! Terie chen xixi ah, I'll come up to your place to find you soon haha, jiayou in everything okay, Love you! TELL ME IF YOU'RE TAKING GEOG BTW HAHA!!

ANNALIM XUAN, BEST PICTURE EVER. and my most romantic study date ever! Omgosh I missed that sunset so much good thing I'll still seeyou everyweek retardddd! :D annaemmaanna!

Riane goh! Awww :D We were both in yellow and please cook something for all of us soon! You get the award for being the most innocent girl in the whole wide world! Elimimama misses you haha ;D
alipig! i forgot who started calling you that, hottie! btw your present is still with me, loves and seeyou soon okay!!!
25 june 2007! :D

Tay siyun! Architects LOL!!! Siyun you know what I can never forget your animal facts, I'll call you up soon for our dollhouse omg :X

XUANEE!! Our classic photo leh I really love this one alot! ;D
Same pose some more you get two photos and quick copy this one I know you don't have it! hahaha. Mama kisses to you, love you! And you have a mogu mogu agreement yah! :D
and thanks for free muttering all-round entertainment throughout the never ending mount imbiah trail and over the tables everywhere, haha!

Isabel, I'll never forget this day my dear girl ^_^ Never, ever. If you're reading this....HOW ARE YOU? seeyou soon k!
Mama kisses to all!! (ong tingwei had an injured leg then LOL)
Woah I'm still the oldest!!

:D the wonderfullest people ever!

and again! ;D
:D I'm starting to like my new JC! BUT STILL HOPING TO APPEAL IN.
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